Discover functional nutrition

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How can a functional medicine practitioner help you?

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Regăsește-ți echilibrul fizic și psihic
cu ajutorul alimentației

Descoperă cum

What are functional medicine and functional nutrition?

Functional medicine, highly acclaimed as the medicine of the future or the medicine that treats patients and not diseases, has become increasingly popular as a patient-oriented approach which addresses the underlying causes of diseases rather than their effects.

Functional medicine uses leading edge tools and technologies available in conventional medicine in combination with the latest testing methods in order to detect imbalances that represent the underlying cause of all chronic diseases.

At the core of functional medicine lies functional nutrition which abides by the same principles and uses food and nutrients to prevent, alleviate or heal various illnesses. Functional nutrition practitioners provide each patient with a personal health plan instead of standard solutions and dietary advice.

How can a functional medicine practitioner
help you?

Health assessment and imbalance identification

The practitioner assesses your health based on genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors which may influence your long-term health in order to identify the underlying causes of body imbalances.

Individualized plan

The practitioner provides you with an individualized plan that will help restore your health, prevent diseases or maintain balance where it exists.

Regular monitoring and assessment

The practitioner monitors and regularly assess your health and the changes occurring in your body.

NutriHealing is the first functional nutrition practice in Romania whose purpose is to improve patients' health and wellbeing by removing foods causing intolerances and allergies from their diet. READ MORE

Doctor Alina Cernea

Nutrition and functional medicine

Dr. Alina Cernea, the founder of NutriHealing, the first functional and integrative medicine practice in Romania, is a general practitioner and a nutritional therapist specializing in functional and integrative medicine. She has a keen interest in nutrition and body balance and has studied and researched nutrition for over ten years. In 2016, after completing the program of the German Institute for Functional and Environmental Medicine (Institut für Functional Medicine und Umweltmedizin) run by the reputed physician and author Dr Klaus Runow.
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Doctor Alina Cernea

Doctor Alina Cernea

Nutriție și Medicină Funcțională

Dr. Alina Cernea, fondatorul cabinetului de nutriție funcțională și integrativă NutriHealing, primul de acest fel din România, este medic generalist și nutriționist certificat în medicină functională, integrativă și nutrițională. Practica sa în medicină funcțională a început în 2016, când a absolvit cursurile Institutului de Medicină Funcțională și Medicină Mediului din Germania (Institute fur Funcțional Medicine und Umweltmedizin, Deutschland), susținute de recunoscutul doctor și autor, Dr. Klaus Runow. Citeste mai departe


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